Our life is a lot like the tite of this blog... Very busy.
This term is the term for both science congress (science fair) and Basketball. In fact the district competitions were on the same day! okay... Let me rewind...
We got back from Kisumu on Saturday when i was just getting over my sickness. By Wednesday I had recovered my voice and it was just in time. The science congress and Basketball tournaments were that weekend and i was doing a lot of talking. Come Thursday i was running around like a mad man between classes, science congress preparations, basketball, and getting our new computer lab wired and equipped. It was great timing for the computer lab to get running (students could write up their papers), but it was a lot to do.
On friday i gave the reigns of my science fair responsibilities to Mandy and i went with the boys to the basketball tourny. The first day went well. My boys beat their long time opponents in a narrow game and crushed a neighboring school around 34 to 4. (short periods).
Things were hectic on Mandy's end, but ended up well. One our students ended up making it to the next level of science fair and about 4 other groups from our school.
Okay now here's the key... On Friday i yelled and talked a bunch. I also didn't get food until 7 PM. I didn't feel too bad at the end of the day, but on Saturday morning i felt it. I had another sore throat and i was exhausted. Unfortunetly we had to return for the second half of the tournament the next day. I went more prepared (brought food), but i felt poor the whole day. It didn't help that our boys lost and ended up taking 3rd. Not bad, but not what we wanted.
It has been a full week since then and the sore throat and exhaustion still remain. it's really quite annoying. Every day seems filled with activities and i can't bring myself to cancel my obligations. I went to the hospital this weekend but they only tested for malaria and asked a few questions, so they were'nt able to figure anything out. I think i may get some antibiotics soon.
anyways... Enough about that.
In other news, we have begun a war with an Ant colony outside the house. Last sunday we had some guests over when i found a huge trail of ants streaming through our kitchen. Luckily we don't clean very well so the spiders were in high number and helped us fight them back.
I thought i had won, until a few days later Mandy woke in the morning to find them covering the dirty dishes in the sink. Again i went to war and felled many ants.
They have now retaliated by attempting to moving their colony directly under our back porch. This one worries me... I watched them carry the eggs/larvae to our stoop today while i peeled potatoes outside. hrmmm..
Okay, enough for now. PLEASE let us know what you'd like to read or see on our blog. Our life rolls on and it's hard to know what will be interesting for you.
Oh and in April we're going to Uganda to white water raft in the Nile. Sweet!
Mom and Dad - thanks for help with the Taxes.
Ryan and Kat - thought of you the other day when playing video games. Found a character called Zeeman! ;)