Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Our Kids

I am teaching math and physics, Mandy is teaching chemistry and physics. Right now we have about 17 lessons and between the two of us, we teach every single one of the 600 students. Crazy...

Our biggest "difference" is with a class called "life skills". It is basically a health class, career guidance, and communications course rolled into one. The school has never had anything like it before so we're setting the standard. Originally Life Skills was only tought by PCV's, but just in the past couple years the Kenyan ministry of education has recognized the need for it and is asking schools to teach it. This worked great for us, because the school was really happy to have us meet this new requirement for them.

Teaching has been so educational for me so far. The learning curve is steep for new teachers, but it is rewarding. The bad days are depressing, but the good days are great. I think having Mandy here has also been priceless. Being shy, she is growing a lot and we are also able to bounce ideas off eachother and "de-compress" after classes. It makes me really respect those PCVs who do it alone.

anyways... Let me know what you want to hear about! we're getting in a routine here, so things don't seem as "blog-worthy".

1 comment:

  1. Can you tell us what the lessons are like? Do you give them tons of homework?? How are the students tested? Do you grade their papers? Any plans of a Rube Goldberg project?? What time do classes start and end? Do you get a lunch break?

    We miss you guys and think about you often!!

    ~Ryan and Kat
