We just finished our last night in Nairobi and we are currently in a matatu on the way home.
We were in nairobi as part of our IST training. The training was every day from 8 to 5pm and covered topics like classroom discipline, permaculture (sustainable agriculture), malaria, HIV, and other things. The most important part for me was a chance to catch up with the other volunteers and share our experiences and teaching strategies. oh.. And of course free wifi and hot showers.
While in Nairobi we also did some shopping and even saw a movie. It is really nice to slip back into western conveniences, but it is not cheap on a peace corps budget!
School doesn't start back for another week so we will be living pretty alone on the empty teachers compound trying to entertain ourselves. Unfortunately they won't turn on the generator or water pump until the boys arrive so we'll be a bit closer to camping.
In technology news, we got a new phone! I am quite excited. In fact I am writing this blog from the phone! I also got a neat program which logs me into facebook, Sykpe, gmail, and any other chat program all at the same time. It is great! Therefore I may end up being "online" more now.
also, here is a list of items that we would love in a care-package.
-Chocolate chips (dark chocolate)
-Taco bell taco seasoning
-update about your lives
-misc. snacks like candy bars, cookies, sweets
-A pair of good pair of thin smart wool socks
low cut ankle size 10
-Gatorade mix, anything but red
-Potato peeler
-stickers for grades
-Cheap american candy that kids would get excited about
-Art supplies like paint, pencils, clay
-DVD of some some basketball games for my kids to watch
-A basketball ;)
-A good hackey-sack
Those are some ideas, but the most important thing are your notes and updates!
Miss you all