I felt pretty good this time around. I understood everything, answered rapidly and creatively in what i thought was a good accent, but in the end i got ranked as a novice high. We need to get the next level (intermediate low) to "pass" kiswahili and swear in. I was a bit disapointed i didn't get it, but only 2 people out of the whole group got it. One woman who i heard has experience in africa and another who is... Drum role please... My wifums, the one, the only Mandy.
She rocked on the exam. I hope to join her soon... hopefully.
The other exciting thing is that i finally brought out my saxophone. I got a cheap loner from a friend in midland (thanks larry), but it works okay.
I played a bit for the house girl, Mandy, and the dogs. The dogs are either very big fans of saxophone or they want to kill me when i play. One dog just started howling whenever i played. Regardless i didn't play too long.
Okay, here is a pic of us on our bed. Mandy studying kiswahili (no surprise) and me chillaxing and updating my blog.
If you guys want to hear about something specific or see specific pictures let me know on the comments!